Sky Drews
Visual Artist
This artist has much to be proud of, featured in the Nyack Art Walk 2019, and established a trademark to her name. SKY- Somebody Knows You which stemmed from a poem she wrote. The poem series Pilots Belong In The Sky was to inspire others not to give up hope. This piece is part of the exhibit Here Now at the Berrie Center in the Kresge & Pascal Gallery Fall of 2020. The artist says," In whatever I do my goal is to help people."

Nyack Art Walk 2020 virtual
Art Gallery
The Nyack 14th annual event was Friday-Sunday June 14-16, 2019. The theme of the year was "Perception" what does it mean? Come and find out! This was an interesting art event to be a part of for the artist. She was asked to show her work in the Andrew Carnegie room at the Nyack Library. This historical place really was a statement within itself. Carnegie would say, "Aim for the highest & It is the mind that makes the body rich."
June of 2015 was the moment that the artist fell in love with aviation. She never dreamed of being an artist at that time. But she started to dream about flying. She went to the library and checked out every book found about aviation and flying.

All she had was the sky...
Thank you
Always look up to the sky.